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Puppy PreSchool


Why you and your puppy need to head to school

From the age of 1 to 3 months old, the canine brain is wired in such a way that allows it easily bond to their family, and learn about the world. They spend this time determining what is safe, and what is not. Puppies that are not socialised in this period, tend to be fearful of anything unfamiliar, be it people, dogs, other animals, sounds and other physical aspects of their changing environment.      

It is extremely important to expose puppies to different people, pets and places, during this socialisation window. It is also vital to ensure that they are having an enjoyable time during these novel encounters. 

Puppy School, run at Newtown Veterinary Clinic, aims to provide a social, safe and enjoyable experience for the puppies. We also provide extensive support to the human “pet parents” during what can be an intense and tricky stage of the puppy’s life.

Today, there is unfortunately a lot of misinformation presented to pet owners about the best ways to train a puppy. There is no legal requirement for dog trainers to undergo accreditation, and as a result laymen dog trainers may be self-taught, or base their training on outdated, and often cruel, ‘dominance’ theory. 

How is NVC Puppy School different?

Our classes are run by qualified veterinary nurses, not laymen dog trainers

  • We teach training techniques that are aligned with the behavioural theory advocated by veterinary experts. Our curriculum, and Puppy School handbook, was authored by Australian Veterinarian, Dr Jen Nesbitt-Hawes BVSc (Hons) MVSt (Wild Med) MANZCVS (Vet Behaviour).
  • We only use positive reinforcement techniques, in order to maximise the puppy’s ability to learn and bond with their new family. 
  • Dog owners are taught how to train their puppy basic obedience, but more importantly, to better understand their puppy’s emotional states by learning about canine body language.  
  • We limit the number of puppies in each class, so that the puppies (and humans) are not overwhelmed by the experience.
  • We also limit the age of the puppies, to both ensure that they experience the joy of puppy school during their socialisation period, but also to ensure that all participants are at a similar age and size. This makes the puppy play sessions a safe and enjoyable experience.

Course inclusions

Comprehensive Puppy School Guidebook, a valuable resource for use during and after the course.

Headshot of your puppy

Free ongoing training advice from our experienced nursing team

Human-only discussion class

Your puppy is invited to three training and socialisation sessions

*Please note: No refund policy applies.

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